
The most unusual piece from 2023, it has been etched after firing to alter the colour and surface gloss. The dark green glaze on the crystalling body was too dark after the glaze firing. Etching has dramatically altered the colour of the ground, taking it towards white in places. The crystals remain green but a lighter colour the usual with this glaze. The surface gloss has been softened to a silky satin. The iron red is unaffected by etching and remains as a bold contrast to the body.

A splendid crisp winter day offered the novel possibility of using ice as the photograhic setting. 



Code: CS0

Year: 2023

Height: 195mm

Porcelain: TP057

CS0. Black Hameldon summit. Sunlight.

CS0. Frozen pool on the Noah Dale descent from Black Hameldon. Sunlight and flash fill.