About Me

Crystalline glazes are my speciality. I have been using them on my thrown porcelain forms for over twenty five years. I am based in Lancashire, England. I sell my work at exhibitions and through art galleries.


I work with porcelain bodies formed on the potter’s wheel and also by slipcasting. My main throwing porcelains are ‘Royale’ and ‘Audry Blackman’ supplied by Valentine Clays Ltd. of Stoke-on-Trent. I supplement these with throwing bodies that I have developed myself specifically to work well with my glazes. I make my slipcasting porcelain to my own recipe.

All the glazes I use are my own recipes. Developing glazes has been and continues to be one of my major interests and so far I have tested well over 10,000 different compositions.

I fire in an electric kiln to around cone 9. The kiln, controller hardware and controller software are also of my own design, all optimised for the particular demands of the crystalline glaze.